I can't publish the latest writing task we did but I can sum up the brief and how i decided to fulfil it. I may possibly be able to scan it on but the pages are A3, and in between the copious amounts of essays I have to do along with monotonous reading, I may not have the time. Or energy.
Anyway, a hypertext piece is a piece of writing which allows and asks for the reader to get involved. Within this they can choose the narrative, the direction and the many possible endings of the story. In the lecture we studied hypertexts which were internet based and used links to represent the story. However due to the effort it would take to create and the fact I kind of hate technology (pretty ironic as im blogging through a macbook) I chose to make a big scrapbook/Journal which had the basic and simple narrative of a couple breaking up. However it was told from four different points of view, the husband, the wife, both, the child and the dog (just to be obscure and twist it up a little.) With in my hypertext people could choose who's point of view to read it from, whether to terminate the story at a certain point or carry on and finally was very visual using pictures to demonstrate whose point of view they were following.
My feed back was good. However they didn't give it a grade, which I was pissed about, because thats the thing I find most exciting however being told I am 'creative' is never a bad thing. But an A would have been better.
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